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Sailor Venus

Cosplay Info

Character: Sailor Venus

Series: Sailor Moon | Season 1

Debuted: Sailor Moon Day 2017

Location: Wonderland Mall of Americas

Brittany's Notes:

This costume was made for an event I was attending for a group cosplay. The event was Sailor Moon Day, and was held at the Wonderland Mall of Americas. Since this was a group cosplay and we wanted everyone to match, we order our suits. So I did not build this suit myself. However when it arrived it was yellow NOT orange. So I did have to airbrush it to get the proper color. I also made the belt, crown, rebuilt the bows, as well as styled the wigs.

Sailor Scouts

Sailor Moon

Miss Mad Love


Sailor Neptune

Brittany Chaos

Sailor Venus


Sailor Mars

Jenny Machete

Sailor Pluto


Sailor Saturn

Messy Mermaid

Sailor Jupiter


Special Thanks


Kryptic Lens Photography
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